Who We Serve

Empowering Bitcoin Financial Professionals and Institutions

BlockSpaces is a Bitcoin-native financial and collateral risk management platform, dedicated to meeting the unique requirements of Bitcoin treasuries, companies, lenders, OTC desks, and other Bitcoin-focused enterprises through our products, ARC and Fusion.

Bitcoin Companies/Treasuries

Seamless Workflows; Data Capture

Finance professionals at Bitcoin companies require seamless integration, powered by Fusion, to incorporate Bitcoin/Lightning node transaction data directly into their traditional business systems.

Institutions, including lenders and OTC desks, powered by ARC can offer more favorable terms on loans and derivatives to their clients, thanks to it's risk-reduction capabilities, with seamless contract data management to existing financial software.
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Decrease Risk; Increase Liquidity

ARC offers real-time risk management capabilities that significantly reduce counterparty risk and minimize the volume of margin disputes. By using ARC, lending desks can also lower capital charges, reduce collateral operations expenses, broaden their pool of counterparties, and increase liquidity.

These improvements ultimately lead to enhanced desk profitability, making ARC an invaluable tool for financial institutions navigating the complexities of the digital asset market.
Risk Reduction
OTC Desks

Reduce Costs; Optimize Capital

Risk managers at OTC desks, where dynamic assets like Bitcoin are a constant, face the challenge of effectively mitigating risks associated with market volatility and complexity.

ARC empowers these professionals with the ability to reduce trading costs, cut back-office expenses, and optimize balance sheet usage. It also ensures counterparty credit risk mitigation through 24/7 intraday collateral movement, eliminates margin disputes, and enforces CSA contractual terms with transparent and immutable calculations.
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Why Choose BlockSpaces?

Built by Bitcoiners, for Bitcoin

BlockSpaces was founded by Bitcoin enthusiasts, allowing us to intimately understand the unique challenges and requirements of this fundamentally different asset, because they are our challenges too.

Bitcoin-Native Expertise

We possess deep knowledge and experience in Bitcoin , offering specialized solutions designed for the digital scarcity era

Cutting-Edge Innovation

BlockSpaces stays at the forefront of  Bitcoin innovation, consistently exploring new developments and possibilities to create value for our clients

Security and Trust

We prioritize the utmost security of your digital assets and maintain the highest standards of integrity, fostering trust in the evolving financial landscape

Educational Focus

Our commitment to educating and empowering our clients sets us apart, ensuring you make informed decisions in Bitcoin space

Collaborative Approach

We thrive on collaboration, fostering a sense of unity with our clients, partners, and the broader blockchain community, ensuring your financial progress

Global Reach

We envision a world where financial solutions transcend traditional boundaries. BlockSpaces promotes global empowerment, financial inclusion, and access to the benefits of the Bitcoin standard.

Unlock the Future of Finance

Whether you're interested in exploring the possibilities of our ARC beta, leveraging the potential of Fusion, or discussing partnership opportunities, we're here to help you navigate the evolving landscape of digital finance. Contact us today to discover how our Bitcoin-native solutions can empower your business for success.

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